Your Place Of Birth: Dolinskaja, Ukraina
Your Current Destination: Munich, Germany
Your Car: I don’t have a car.
Your Mobile Phone: Nokia

Your Goal For Today: Work hard to satisfy the director.
Your Goal For This Year: An own paysite and autograph cards.
Your Goal Of Life: Professional performer.


…color: Green
…perfume: Boss

…service:  escort girls in Haifa
…city: Nizza
…male performer:
…female performer: Pamela Anderson
…drink: Water
…food: Sushi
…movie: Geisha
…porno: The Private Gladiator

Can you…

…cook? Perfectly.
…dance? Erotic and classic.
…whistle? Yes.
…play an instrument Flute.
…park a car? As I said, I don’t own a car.
…speak a foreign language? Ukrainian and Russian.

Do you have…

…a special ability? The perseverance to pet someone for hours very impassionately.
…a special tic? Ordering big servings and eat just a little of it.
…pets? No pets in my household.

Have you ever…

…consumed drugs? Yes.
…kissed a fan? No.
…dominated a guy? Yes.
…had an affair with a girl? Yes.

The last…

…store you bought stuff at? Grocery store.
…book you red? Träume den unwirklichen Traum
…club you danced at? Turm, Munich

Last person you…

…talked on the phone with? Jürgen
…kissed? Carlo Minaldi
…had sex with? Carlo Minaldi

Interview done on May 13th in Vienna.